So last night I was comfortably asleep having gone to bed a little after midnight. The next thing I know, all the freaking fetching smoke detectors in our apartment are going off. I was just getting my full bearings when I heard Jeff say he smelled smoke. The old Massachusetts Minutemen would've been proud; I was out of my bed and ready to put on some clothes like I'd been shot from a cannon.
Of course, only after standing there did I get more of my brain back. Jeff wished me a hearty good morning and the detectors died. I looked at my clock and found that it was 1:50 a.m. I totally thought it was the morning, which doesn't really make any sense anyway because these guys usually aren't up then. In fact, at this point they were just going to bed. Anyway, I dropped back into my lower bunk, endured through another round of the stupid things beeping a minute or so later, and soon enough fell asleep.
They thought it was the heater gimping off somehow. I didn't care if I died of some carbon monoxide poisoning, at least I could finally get some shuteye.
Weekend Links
Hiya, piglets, I’m sneaking this batch of weekend reading for you just
barely under the wire. Your weird internet aunt…
3 years ago
Jordan woke up screaming like a girl.