Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Watching History

So I heard today was kind of a big day.

Here's the breakdown of what we were all doing while witnessing history.

Me: I was sitting on the couch watching the big event. Not long after I fell asleep. It was historic.
Jeff: He was watching on one of the other couches with me. Both of us were on our computers during most of it as well.
Matt: He was on the other couch semi-conscious. He claims he was "listening" but that really is the operative word anyway. He definitely wasn't watching even though he was capable of doing so. Matt proceeded to sleep for the rest of the day.
Jordan: He was at work and chatting with me on Facebook. Jordan really didn't like Rick Warren's invocation but he enjoyed Reverend Lowery's benediction. Go figure. He also enjoyed the performance by the quartet (but who didn't, seriously?).
Terry:  He was in class but he caught Barack walking Bush to his helicopter on TV and then also caught some of the talk about the swearing-in debacle.
James: He watched it at his house with his mother. I heard he started swearing like a sailor. No seriously.

Yes, definitely a monumental day that I'm sure we'll all remember.

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